>>>>>>>>>>Important Announcement - Result has been declared today
( E-certificate will be provided within 15-20 days after the declaration of result)
Indian Legal Wing shall not be liable for failure to participate or notice emails in your junk folder or spam section . You are strictly advised to contact us if you have not received the guideline emails by 1st December, 2023 (11:59 P.M.)
About Indian Legal Wing
Indian Legal Wing (ILW) is India’s own Legal Platform that aims to cater to the exclusive needs of legal personalities and everyone who are interested in the field of Law. It's an initiative of connecting Layman to Lawman and voicing their aspirations. We bring forth Law and its distinct aura through our insightful features and opportunities to make law always exciting. Indian Legal Wing (ILW) promises its readers the ‘Legal perspective’, different opportunities and facilities with an essence and easy outlook! With a distinct flavour of law, we provide an exciting collection of well researched and valuable articles, blogs, study materials and a lot more.
About Event
We are glad that we have received overwhelming responses from all over India in our 1st and 2nd National Law Quiz Competition and witnessed a huge number of registrations. After successfully conducting the National Law Quiz Competitions, We are pleased to announce our 3rd Indian Legal Wing National Quiz Competition .
Topic- Indian Constitution
Types of Question
1. Multiple Choice Questions
2. Questions shall be from Constitutional Law.
The competition is open to all students and scholars. There is no restriction on the eligibility to participate. Anyone can participate in this Quiz.
Rules and Guidelines
1. Interested participants have to register through the provided online form available in the registration section.
2. The quiz will contain 50 questions & the medium will be English. Each correct answer will be equivalent to 2 marks in the quiz.
3. There shall be NO negative marking.
4. The quiz link will be available online for a total time of 20 minutes including filling up the details. The exact timings shall be intimated in advance. Participants are expected to complete the quiz within the specified time failing which the link which has become active would become inactive after the time elapse of 20 minutes and the participants would not be able to submit their responses.
5. In Case of a tie, the winner shall be decided on the basis of early submission.
6. Indian Legal Wing shall not be liable for any problem on the account of poor internet connection or technical issues on your Part.
7. Submissions made after 8:20 PM will not be considered when determining the result.
Registration Details-
The participants are required to register themselves by following the bellow mentioned link-
Registration Link- https://forms.gle/9zoJSEjVYV35pzw29
*Quiz Link- Information regarding quiz Link has been shared via registered mail on
1st December 2023 .
Registration Fee- Rs 99 only.
*Participants will not be eligible for a refund in case of any failure on their part. The fee is non-refundable.
Account Name: Rare Time Media Network P
Account number: 00000041353080944
Bank name: State Bank of India
Branch Name- Start Up Branch Koramangala
IFSC code: SBIN0064074
UPI ID: qr.27806905@sbi
QR Code- Attached at the bottom.
Important Dates-
Register by - 1st December 2023 (11.59 P.M)
Event Revised Schedule – 08.00 P.M, 2nd December 2023.
* Participants are advised to visit this page regularly for all the updates.
Mode of Participation – (Online)
Via Google Form.
Participants will receive the link at the exact time on December 2, 2023.
Link will be available exactly at 8. 00 P.M. on December 2, 2023.
Results- (Result has declared on our website & social media handles)
Awards- ( E-certificate will be provided within 15-20 days)
1. Certificate of Merit + 1 Certificate Course + Internship + Publication Opportunity at ILW to top 3.
2. Certificate of Appreciation + 1 Certificate Course @ 50% Discount + Publication Opportunity at ILW to top 10.
3. Certificate of Participation to all.
* Hard Copy of certificate will be provided at the request of participants on extra payment.
E-mail - event.ilw@gmail.com
Visit us at: https://www.indianlegalwing.com/
Also follow us here for more regular updates-
Facebook- https://m.facebook.com/Indian-Legal-Wing-106117627802764/?ref=bookmarks
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LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/indian-legal-wing
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