AdminSep 19, 20207 min readTHE CRISIS IN INDIAN JUDICIARYRecent times have witnessed a tiff between the three organs of the state, especially the judiciary is undergoing serious scrutiny and is goi
AdminSep 18, 20205 min readTRANSGENDER RIGHTSIt defines a transgender person as one whose gender does not match the gender assigned at birth. It includes trans-men and trans-women, pers
AdminSep 16, 20205 min readEIA DRAFT 2020: THE VIRUS OF THE ENVIRONMENT Environment Impact Assessment or EIA can be defined as the study to predict the effect of a proposed activity/project on the environment.For
AdminSep 15, 20208 min readTRANSITIONAL JUSTICE: CLOSURE BEFORE BEGINNINGTransitional Justice is put to use at these times of transitions. It can be explained as any judicial or non-judicial way which is used to a
AdminSep 13, 20206 min readAFSPA AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION AFSPA stands for ARMED FORCES SPECIAL POWERS ACT. The Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 is one of the oldest and most arbitrary legislat
AdminSep 11, 20205 min readCHILD RIGHTS PROTECTION FOR UNPRIVILEGED CHILDREN.child rights as- the rights of children to get minimum facilities and freedom for their physical and mental development without considering
AdminSep 8, 202012 min readLEGAL ANALYSIS ON WARRANTLESS ARREST Arrest in simple terms is the seizing of a person by the legal authority. A person usually gets arrested if he or she is suspected or observ
AdminSep 8, 20205 min readMOB LYCHING :A NEW TREND IN INDIAMob lynching is a term used to describe the acts of targeted violence by a large group of people. The violence is tantamount to offences aga